New Zealand has begun a 4+ week 'Alert Level 4' shutdown period where almost every person must remain at home, except for purposeful excursions to obtain food and medical requirements. Most businesses are now closed to the public. The government intention is to absolutely minimise person-to-person interactions, with the ultimate result being the eradication of coronavirus from New Zealand within a month.
Generally, Segway New Zealand will not be providing in-warranty or out-of-warranty repairs for Segway-Ninebot consumer products, nor sending out new products or replacement parts until 'Alert Level 3' is resumed. Exceptions are outlined below.

We will continue to offer advice and support via phone
0800 2 SEGWAY and email
Under the
essential service provider provision, Segway New Zealand may be permitted to provide Segway and Segway-Ninebot products, parts and services - if and as necessary - to:
mobility users for whom Segway products play an important role for personal capability or welfare. Examples: individuals who rely upon their Segway Personal Transport (PT) or PT-based self-balancing Powerchair (BodyElectric MAX or Omeo/Ogo Evolution device) for mobility around their property/farm, or for journeys such as gathering groceries, visiting medical services, etc. There are hundreds of individuals nationwide who rely upon Segway products for mobility. The rational is that an individual is safer to travel on a Segway product to fetch supplies compared with using public transport or taxis.
productivity users for whom Segway products play a useful role in the delivery of essential services. Examples: warehouse logistics, productivity and mobility while undertaking food producing activities such as farming, commercial growing, security patrols (enabling fewer guards to provide wider coverage), etc. There are dozens of business and individuals nationwide who rely upon Segway PTs for these purposes.
Fortunately, Segway products are proven to be extremely reliable.
But if you are a mobility or productivity user and your Segway PT requires spare parts, new battery packs, or technical service during this 'shutdown' period please contact us on
0800 2 SEGWAY or
We will assess requests on a case-by-case basis to ensure we are abiding by 'Level 4' restrictions. We can send parts out by courier or transport service, and can provide an off-site or on-site (but contact-less) repair service during this period - subject to safety protocols. Loaner units are available to mobility and productivity users if repairs cannot be carried out.
We also have Segway PTs configured for manufacturing, productivity, security and personal mobility roles available for hire or purchase to supplement or support mission critical operations at essential service worksites during this period. A more efficient workforce can produce the same output with fewer individuals, thereby reducing the likelihood of coronavirus spread.
Despite international freight having been disrupted, Segway New Zealand has plenty of stock of most spare parts. Please note that stocks of replacement Lithium battery packs are limited. Once sold, stock is unlikely to be replenished for up to 8 weeks (however there will be hireable battery packs available).
As a registered equipment supplier to ACC and Accessable, we have received the following request that provides the basis on which we would provide support to mobility users deemed to require immediate support:
Dear Equipment Providers,
I am advising that Ministry of Health has confirmed that Accessable is an essential service provider. We will be doing everything we can to ensure uninterrupted provision of our services and equipment. We would be very grateful for your support and efforts to do the same.
Richard Parker (Procurement Manager), Accessable
UPDATE 30 March 2020
Segway New Zealand has received formal confirmation as an essential service during Alert Level 4 for providing equipment and servicing to Ministry of Health, ACC and Accessable.
The scope of products and services we will supply or undertake is strictly limited, but we urge users of Segway products who require support at this time to contact us on
0800 2 SEGWAY or so we can assess your requirements and assist to the full extent permitted under Alert Level 4. Equipment services that are essential include the provision and repair of equipment in accordance with the principle of keeping people living at home safely.
Dear Segway New Zealand
We are writing to you to confirm that your business, as a vendor or sub-contractor to Accessable of equipment and services that also fall under the above definition of essential services will therefore need to continue operating during this national Alert Level 4 lock down.
It is your responsibility to understand what aspects of your business are deemed to be essential, and which are not, and act accordingly....Please use this letter as documentary evidence that the products or services that you provide to Accessable are an essential service....
As you support us to deliver our essential services, we need to comply with Government directives and ensure that our staff, stakeholders and clients all remain safe and well. To help achieve this, we have implemented the following procedures. You are required to implement and employ procedures that are aligned with these when undertaking any work for Accessable and our clients....
Graham Walling, Chief Executive