Armourguard clocks up 25 km per day at The Base mall (Hamilton)
ADT Armourguard staff average around 25 km per day on their Segway i2 Patroller at The Base shopping mall in Hamilton.
When Armourguard began their security contract at this sprawling - and still rapidly expanding site - a year ago, the first thing they did was deploy a brand new Segway i2 Patroller to keep up with daily demands. By November, they'd hit 25 km per day of patrols (up from 19 km per day during the first few months), which is also the long-term average for the first year (~7,500 km in 12 months).
The previous security contractor - Waikato Security - used a Segway i2 Patroller on this site with great success between 2009 and 2013 at The Base. Guards clocked up 16,000 km over three years, or an average of more than 20 km per day.
Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) have been used in public safety roles throughout New Zealand since 2004, when Massey University (Palmerston North) was first to deploy staff on an e167 model. Many more universities followed, along with shopping malls and large worksites around the country. St John purchased a pair for i170s in 2005 to turn into "PT Ambulances" and these are often seen out and about amongst the busy crowds at large shows and events in the Northern region.
Here is our original, 4-sided A4 colour brochure aimed at the security and public safety sector in New Zealand, based around the then-new i180 Police/Security model from 2005. Local universities and St John both feature there-in: