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Dylan uses Segway PT to overcome Muscular Dystrophy mobility impairment

Dylan Schneider is one of about two dozen school-aged Kiwis who use Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) to overcome mobility impediments in the classroom, around school grounds, and to travel independently between home and school. According to an feature in East & Bays Courier (Fairfax), his Segway PT "makes life with muscular dystrophy much easier." The article goes on to say:

Pupils at Michael Park School know Dylan and his futuristic form of transport well. They're not usually allowed to have a turn, but last Friday was special. The school held a 'Wheels Day' to raise money for Muscular Dystrohpy NZ and the children brought their skateboards, bikes and scooters. There were two extra Segways so that everyone could have a go. A course was set up on the school field so the kids could go zip around the cones. Dylan kicked things off by showing the others how it's done. His teacher of three years, Fatemeh Abdollahi, has noticed a change in Dylan since he got his Segway. "He has more confidence and is more active," she says.
To purchase the Segway PT for their son, Dylan's family applied to a number of trusts with the assistance of CCS Disability Action. Three trusts contributed a total of $7,000 towards the $8,000 purchase price of a second-hand, reconditioned Segway XT model with off-road tyres, new Lithium batteries and 12 month warranty. East & Bays Courier reported on how walking the dog with his family is one of Dylan's favourite pastimes. While muscular dystrophy is a degenerative condition, with his Segway PT walking the dog is something he can once again enjoy doing.
"Now he can conserve his energy on the Segway and expend it when he gets to his destination," his father Michael Schneider says. "It offers the ability to join in with his friends and family and getting around without restriction because he gets so tired easily. "The family went to Bethells Beach with off-road tyres on the Segway and went for an hour and a half walk. It was fantastic.
To find out about Muscular Dystrophy visit
Photos: Dylan Schneider on his Segway XT and the pupils of Michael Park School, Auckland (c) Fairfax, reprinted from East & Bays Courier (left) Dylan Schneider on his Segway XT. (right) "Wheel Day" with the pupils of Michael Park School, Auckland. Photos (c) Fairfax, reprinted from East & Bays Courier