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NZ Hi-Tech Awards 2013: three finalists (yep, two own Segway PTs)

The three finalists for New Zealand Hi-Tech Company of the Year 2013 are Buckley Systems, Serko and Xero. The founders of two of these companies are owners of Segway Personal Transporters (PTs). Bill Buckley uses his Segway x2 to get around his company's large campus that sprawls across half a dozen buildings on both sides of the street. New Zealand's most famous technology entrepreneur, Xero's Rod Drury not only purchased the first Midnight Blue Segway i170 in the Southern Hemisphere from Segway New Zealand in 2004 and then the first Segway i2 in 2007, he was a founding member of the Pole Blacks - New Zealand's history-making Segway PT Polo team. Rod was also named by the New Zealand Herald as Business Person of the Year at the end of 2012.
Pole Blacks Rod Drury and Philip Bendall (Captain) in Auckland, February 2007 at the world's first International Segway PT Polo match playing for the Woz Cup (donated by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak). Pole Blacks Rod Drury and Philip Bendall (Captain) in Auckland, February 2007 at the world's first International Segway PT Polo match - playing USA's Aftershocks for the Woz Cup (donated by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak).