Rod Drury (Xero), Telecom XT, Segway PT
Back in 2004 Kiwi technology entrepreneur Rod Drury became Segway NZ's 5th customer when he purchased his first Segway PT (buying the very first of the then-just-released i170 Midnight Blue model in the Southern Hemisphere). Since then he's twice represented New Zealand as part of the Pole Blacks (our Segway PT Polo team), playing against US teams in 2006 and 2007.
But Rod is best-known as CEO of publicly listed company Xero (online accounting software-as-a-service) and as a respected commentator on New Zealand's IT industry. He also founded, grew and sold Aftermail (a major NZ software company success story), and was one of the key individuals who contributed to the success of Trade-Me.
Today you can see Rod riding his Segway i2 during an interview about Telecom's new third-generation XT network here.