Kevin Hey launched Segway On Q in 2006, offering guided Segway Tours along Queenstown's stunning waterfront and into the beautiful botanic gardens.

Read his wonderful blog post here about reaching this milestone. He discusses how to began his business, how it grew, the many happy customers he's met, and the current impact of Covid-19.

Being a keen golfer, Kevin decided his original fleet would consist of four Segway GT models that could quickly be switched between "Golf Transporter" and "Human Transporter" configurations. Offering a golf option in addition to standard tours around town made sense in the place known as the Adventure Capital of the World. But it soon became apparent that 1 and 2 hour guided tours was where business success would be found. Providing entertainment at corporate events and conferences was also a popular choice amongst visitors to Queenstown.

A few years later Kevin began to add Segway i2 Personal Transporter models to his fleet, featuring LeanSteer that provided novice riders with a more natural and engaging riding experience. During the mid-2010's the latest Segway i2 SE models joined the fleet.
As he mentions in his blog post, he's purchased 21 Segway PTs to date. Of course, some have been retired over the years. Even well-maintained Segway PTs can't last forever, but Kevin was first to set the long-distance record for a Segway PT in New Zealand when a PT glided to 30,000km and beyond.
Over the years Segway On Q has collected a host of awards, including:
- #1 Best Activity in South Island on TripAdvisor
- #3 Best Experience in the South Pacific on TripAdvisor
- 9 Hall of Fame Awards on TripAdvisor
- 999 Five Star reviews on TripAdvisor
The Segway PT has been the source of many an adventure and experience for Kevin over the years. He's taken the rich and famous on tours, and even had his Segway PT feature on Jane Campion's Top of the Lake TV thriller starring Elizabeth Moss.

In fact, Kevin himself is famous for becoming the first person in the world to ride a Segway PT up the worlds steepest street (Baldwin Street, in Dunedin). There's a link to the YouTube video in our article here.
As Kevin keenly observes, at 15 years on, Segway On Q is older than the iPhone!