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SpeedShow 2013 this weekend (20-21 July)

SpeedShow is on again this weekend at Auckland Showgrounds (Greenlane). This fantastic annual event has featured Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) at every show since 2009 (search 'speedshow' in our archives for coverage from previous years). logoFooter-CRCSpeedshow Segway PTs are being used by event management staff during set-up and on show days. And you won't be able to miss the arena area's Master of Ceremonies crusin' the tarmac on the big-wheeled, cross-terrain Segway x2 model throughout the event. SpeedShow is the premier automotive show for everyone who wants to see the latest, greatest, flashest and fastest vehicles from their favourite carmakers, and an absolute must-see for fans of TV shows like 'Top Gear.' Plus there is lots to see for lovers of motor sport and hot rods, for enthusiasts ready to buy accessories and merchandise. Out in the arena there is going to be lots of action, thrills, spills, smoke and stunts on the blacktop. Also, we've contributed something very unusual to be part of the outdoor arena show.... 375766_10150974149779514_1689809786_n