World's southern-most Segway PT?
Kiwi Segway PT owner Neal Summers took his x2 to Stewart Island last weekend. Already visiting Bluff (located at the South Island's southern-most point) to enjoy fresh oysters and the Seafood Festival, it didn't take much to convince friends to airlift him and his x2 across Foveau Strait by helicopter.
Neal says Tyson Bramwell, a pilot for Stewart Island Helicopters "made it a condition of carriage that I allow him and his friends to have a ride the x2 as soon as we arrived. That sounded like a pretty good deal to me! I don't think anyone down there had ever seen a Segway PT before, and they all loved it. They couldn't believe where this thing can go and what it can do. This is one of the things I love most about taking the x2 with me wherever I go - people just start talking to me, and before I know it it opens up all kinds of opportunities for fun and adventure."
Segway NZ thinks this could well be the world record for the furthest south yet travelled by a Segway PT. Stewart Island is 47 degrees south of the equator, and is by far the smallest of New Zealand's three main islands with a permanent population of about 400 people. Owing to an anomaly in the magnetic latitude contours, this location is well placed for observing Aurora australis.